Tài nguyên giáo dục mở

Cung cấp cho người dùng các nguồn tài nguyên giáo dục mở có chất lượng cao, được truy cập miễn phí do Đại học Fulbright xuất bản, cũng như được Thư viện Fulbright sưu tầm và bổ sung từ các nguồn khác trên thế giới!

“FSPPM (tiền thân là FETP) là trường đầu tiên tham gia cùng MIT trong việc chia sẻ tài liệu giảng dạy của mình một cách cởi mở, và qua đó nhà trường đã đại diện cho sự khởi đầu của phong trào Học liệu mở đã và đang lan rộng đến các tổ chức ở khắp nơi trên thế giới. Thông qua việc chia sẻ học liệu mở, MIT và FSPPM đang cung cấp những tài nguyên mà các nhà sư phạm có thể cải biên để dùng trên lớp của họ, học sinh sinh viên ở trường có thể sử dụng như những tài liệu bổ sung, và những người tự học có thể sử dụng để trau dồi và nâng cao kiến thức của bản thân....”

Steve Carson, Chiến lược gia cao cấp, MIT OpenCourseWare

  • Học liệu Mở Fulbright

    Học liệu Mở Fulbright (Fulbright OER, hay còn gọi là Fulbright OCW) dựa trên kinh nghiệm của Viện Công nghệ Massachusetts với Sáng kiến học liệu mở (OCW), FSPPM đã bắt đầu đưa tài liệu giảng dạy và nghiên cứu lên mạng. Đây không phải là một dự án đào tạo từ xa, mà là một nguồn tư liệu để những ai đang học tập và làm việc trong các lĩnh vực liên quan đến chính sách có thể nâng cao kiến thức và khám phá những cách thức tiếp cận mới trong quá trình học tập và xây dựng giáo trình.

    Các giảng viên được khuyến khích sử dụng tài liệu của FSPPM vào môn học của họ ở các trường đại học. Học viên có thể sử dụng những tài liệu này làm định hướng cho hoạt động học tập và nghiên cứu độc lập. Tất cả nội dung đều trực tuyến, từ đề cương môn học, bài giảng, danh mục tài liệu đọc và bài tập sử dụng trong các môn của chương trình một năm và các khóa đào tạo cao cấp hay ngắn hạn. Về lâu dài, tất cả những tài liệu của FSPPM đều sẽ được đưa lên mục OCW của trường (theo quy định của luật bản quyền). FSPPM còn phối hợp với các trường và học viện ở Việt Nam để xúc tiến việc sử dụng những công cụ đào tạo tiên tiến từ xa.

    Lưu ý pháp lý: Tài liệu học tập và giảng dạy được cung cấp miễn phí theo các điều kiện do OpenCourseWare của FSPPM quy định.

  • Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở là gì?

    What is meant by open educational resources?

    Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. (UNESCO.org)

    What is the role of open educational resources?

    OER can be used to increase access to learning for those living in unfavourable circumstances, and can also be used to address issues of cost, quality, and equity. (Dr. Rory McGreal, UNESCO/COL/ICDE, Chair in OER Athabasca University)

    Why Open Education?

    Ensuring equality and availability of education is a foundational value of the open education movement, and as we move into the future, addressing those issues becomes ever more crucial. Open education takes aim at many issues that complicate education.

    • Outdated Teaching Materials

    Traditional educational materials, like textbooks, can only be as current as their publication date. Unfortunately, the latest knowledge—especially in scientific and technical fields—rapidly becomes outdated and obsolete. Students and teachers working with outdated material are at a great disadvantage in the modern world. Open Educational Resources, on the other hand, can be updated, adapted, and improved continually, so they are never out of date.

    • Cost

    Teaching and learning materials often carry a high price tag, which poses a painful question to many students: go without the materials, or go into substantial debt to get them. From social media movements like #textbookbroke to the crisis of student loan debt, the cost of education is a major social issue. Open education's goal of making high-quality, freely available online materials is a direct answer to the problem of costs.

    • Access and Equality

    Cost, geography, and structural inequalities in society often combine to lead toward problems of access and equity in education. With open education, the high-quality materials are available at minimal (or no) cost, and with minimal barriers to access, leveling the playing field for students as they prepare for their lives ahead.

  • Các ví dụ về OER

    Học liệu mở Fulbright (Fulbright OER)

    • Inspired by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Open- CourseWare Initiative (OCW), the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management (FSPPM) has begun to publish its teaching and research materials online. FSPPM OpenCourseWare is not a long-distance learning project. Rather, it is a resource for people working or studying in policy-related fields to increase their knowledge and explore new approaches to learning and curriculum development.
    • Instructors are encouraged to adopt FSPPM's curricular materials for use in their own courses. Students may use FSPPM's materials to guide independent study. Course syllabi, lecture notes, reading lists and problem sets used in many one-year mid-career program and executive education courses are already available online and over time FSPPM OpenCourseWare will include all FSPPM materials (subject to copyright law). FSPPM participates with other academic institutions in Vietnam to promote the use of innovative long-distance learning activities.

    Legal Notices: Course materials are made freely available under the terms defined by FSPPM OCW.


    • “OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open digital publication of high quality college and university‐level educational materials. These materials are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content” (Open Education Consortium, 2017, para. 1).


    Learning Modules

    • A learning module is "a tool that provides course materials in a logical, sequential, order, guiding students through the content and assessments in the order specified by the instructor. Instructors can insert formatted text, files, web links, discussion topics, assignments, tests and quizzes, and soon, assessments. Content can be structured in such a way as to require students to complete content before they are allowed to proceed to the next content. It is also possible for instructors to set up a place for students to add content to the learning module" (University of Florida e-Learning, 2013, para. 1).

    Open Textbooks

    • “Open textbooks are typically authored by faculty and published on the web with the support of universities or new commercial companies. This new business model enables free online access to textbooks” (California State University, 2012, para. 1).

    Streaming Videos

    • “Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time. With streaming video or streaming media, a Web user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives. The user needs a player, which is a special program that uncompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers. A player can be either an integral part of a browser or downloaded from the software maker's Web site” (TechTarget, 2017, para. 1). 

    Open Access Journals

    • Open access journals provide “free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open access is the needed modern update for the communication of research that fully utilizes the Internet for what it was originally built to do—accelerate research” (SPARC, 2017, para. 5).

    Online Tutorials

    An online tutorial is a self study activity designed to teach a specific learning outcome. They are usually delivered via a course management system but can also be made available via the Internet or on a DVD. There are two main types of online tutorials:

    • Recorded tutorials are video or screencast recordings, typically of a subject expert presenting information and ideas or giving a demonstration.
    • Interactive tutorials are a structured collection of navigable web pages. Individual pages can contain any combination of text, images, audio, video, self test questions and other interactive activities. Interactive tutorials can also contain screencasts.

    Both types of online tutorials can be provided as supplementary learning materials or as an integral part of a core activity. Because of the benefits they offer, online tutorials are becoming commonplace within both programs of learning and on a number of support service web sites (University of Bristol Educational Support Unit, 2017, para. 1-4).

    Digital Learning Objects

    • “Digital learning objects are small, modular, discrete units of learning designed for electronic delivery and use. To facilitate reuse with a minimum of effort, a learning object is ‘packaged’ to include a lesson, an activity, and an assessment. The most reusable learning objects will have a learning outcome that is concrete and fundamental to a broad range of courses” (CSU Northridge Oviatt Library, 2017, p. 1) .

  • Tôi có thể tìm Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở ở đâu?

    Links to Open Educational Resources

    OER Repositories & Providers

    The world of open education is growing rapidly, and open educational resources are available from numerous providers, including many of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world.

    Digital repositories hosted by consortia, alliances, and institutional initiatives, dedicated to sharing and advocating for the use of OER, are excellent places to start your search. There are dozens of repositories out there, so we've provided some recommended starting points below.

    American Institute of Mathematics

    CK-12 Teacher and Student Resources
    Creative Commons


    FlatWorld Knowledge

    Khan Academy

    MIT OpenCourseWare


    Open Michigan

    Open Washington

    Directory of Open Access Repositories

    Open Education Consortium

    OER Africa

    OER Commons

    CMU Open Learning Initiative


    Open SUNY Textbooks

    UMN Open Textbook Library

    The Open University

    Open Yale Courses

    Open Oregon State

    Project Gutenberg

    Open Courseware Data Search

    World Digital Library

  • Tôi có thể tạo Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở như thế nào?

    Creating OERs

    Create, Adapt, Revise, Remix

    The hallmark of an open education resource is the freedom you have to create, remix, and adapt it to your needs. Creating an OER does not necessarily require you to write an entire textbook or develop a complete learning object from start to finish - although you can certainly do that! - rather, the open education community is based not only on creation, but adaptation and improvement on what's already out there.

    In fact, the various open licenses in use expressly encourage instructors to modify open educational resources to tailor them to their classes, students, and specific pedagogical needs.


    Pressbooks is simple book production software. It allows you to write a book using the sofware or import a manuscript, choose a book design theme, and export into all the file formats you need to publish your book:

    • MOBI format (for Kindle ebooks)
    • EPUB format (for all other ebookstores)
    • designed PDF (for print-on-demand)
    • more exotic XML formats

    Pressbooks is used by authors and publishers around the world (Pressbooks, 2017, para. 1).

    For online tutorials that teach you how to use Pressbooks, visit the following YouTube channel:

  • Làm cách nào để cung cấp Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở sẵn có của tôi cho người khác?

    Digital Repositories

    "Digital Repositories offer a convenient infrastructure through which to store, manage, re-use and curate digital materials. They are used by a variety of communities, may carry out many different functions, and can take many forms. Digital repositories are also commonly referred to as institutional repositories or digital archives" (Semple, 2006, para. 1).

    The most common location for any OER to be found is in a digital repository hosted by an institution (such as a consortium or a university). Repository systems are designed with open access in mind, and you can deposit your OER in them with the expectation that they'll be findable and accessible to everyone. Many of the places you can find OER are the same places you can share yours.

    IUP's new digital repository, Harbor, is part of a Keystone Library Network initiative, and runs on the Islandora platform. Harbor is currently under construction, but will be live soon.

  • Giấy phép Creative Commons (CC licenses) là gì?


    Creative Commons is an organization that helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. Creative Commons provides free, easy-to-use copyright licenses to make a simple and standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work_on conditions of your choice. (Creative Commons, 2017)

    Creative Commons is an organization that developed a set of copyright licenses for creators to apply to their works, helping authors, artists, and other creators establish the boundaries of permissible use they want to place on their works.

    Creative Commons licenses are based on existing copyright law, and are simple to understand. Visit our Copyright Information guide for more details!

    Creative Commons licenses

    Open Educational Resources are subject to Creative Commons Licensing. These licenses are as follows:

    Attribution (BY): Allow to copy, adapt, modify, share the work as long as the original creators are credited for any  purposes. 

    Attribution (BY) - Share Alike (SA): All rights as Attribution (BY) license and new creations have to be licensed under same terms as the original work. 

    Attribution (BY) - No Derives (ND): Allow to copy, share but keep the work unchanged and in whole for any purposes.​

    Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC): Allow  to copy, adapt, modify, share the work for non-commercial purposes only.

    Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - Share Alike (SA): All rights as Attribution (BY)-Share Alike (SA) license but for non-commercial purposes only.

    Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - No Derives (ND): All rights as Attribution (BY) - No Derives (ND) license but for non-commercial purposes only.

    You can find more information about licenses from the Creative Commons website.

    Note: Not all OERs use the same licensing restriction. It is important to check the permissions of the OER before using them to ensure compliance with the terms. 

    How to label third party content in Creative Commons licensed material Creative Commons licenses are designed to let others know how they may use work without infringing on copyrights.  Therefore, if you are distributing information under a Creative Commons Licence, and it includes content that isn’t covered by the Creative Commons Licence, this material needs to be clearly identified.

  • Tham khảo

    Works Cited

    • California State University. (2012). What are open textbooks? Retrieved from http://als.csuprojects.org/free-etextbooks
    • CSU Northridge Oviatt Library. (2017). What are digital learning objects? Retrieved from https://library.csun.edu/docs/ScholarWorks/LearningObjectsClarification.pdf
    • Creative Commons. (2017). What we do: What is Creative Commons? Retrieved from https://creativecommons.org/about/
    • Forward, M. L. (2017). We are not alone: Situating OER in global higher ed. [PowerPoint slides]. Opening up education: Textbooks, resources, courseware and more. Retrieved from http://www.niso.org/news/events/2017/2017_virtconf/apr19_virtconf/
    • Open Education Consortium. (2017). What is open courseware? Retrieved from http://www.oeconsortium.org/faq/what-is-open-courseware
    • Pressbooks. (2017). About. Retrieved from https://pressbooks.com/about/
    • Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition. (2017). Open access. Retrieved from https://sparcopen.org/open-access/
    • Semple, N. (2006). Digital repositories. Digital Curation Centre. Retrieved from http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/briefing-papers/introduction-curation/digital-repositories
    • TechTarget. (2017). Streaming video. Retrieved from http://searchunifiedcommunications.techtarget.com/definition/streaming-video
    • University of Bristol Educational Support Unit. (2017). What is an online tutorial? University of Bristol. Retrieved from http://www.bristol.ac.uk/esu/media/tutorials/design-principles/page_02.htm
    • University of Florida e-Learning. (2013). Learning modules overview. Retrieved from https://lss.at.ufl.edu/help/Learning_Modules
  • Đánh giá Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở

    Evaluating Open Educational Resources

    With so many freely available resources online, choosing an OER can be overwhelming. This checklist contains some suggestions for staff when choosing resources.

    BCOER Rubric

    • Accuracy

    ​Is the information accurate?  Are there major content errors or omissions?

    Are there spelling errors to typos?

    • Relevance

    Does the information directly address one or more of the class objectives?

    • Production Quality

    Is the information clear and understandable?

    Is the layout and interface easy to navigate?

    Do the design features enhance learning?

    For audio or video resources, is the sound quality high?

    • Accessibility

    Is the resource available in alternative formats (e.g. docx)?

    For audio or video resources, is there a transcript or subtitles?

    • Interactivity

    Does the resource encourage active learning and class participation?

    Are there opportunities of students to test their understanding of the material (e.g. a video with embedded questions?)

    • Licensing

    Does the license allow for educational reuse of the materials?

    Does the license allow modifications or adoptions of the materials? (BCOER Librarians.(2020). Faculty Guide for Evaluating Open Education Resources)

    Other Evaluation Guidelines & Tools

    Achieve, which is a non-profit educational organization, has developed eight rubrics for evaluating OER. A rating scheme is recommended for assessing the material under each rubric.

    A set of materials developed to help educators use and learn more about the Achieve Open Educational Resource (OER) Rubrics and OER Evaluation Tool.

    Questions to ask about the OER you are thinking of using. This rubric is developed by Sarah Morehouse with help from Mark McBride, Kathleen Stone, and Beth Burns is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

  • Sáng kiến Giáo trình mở

    Open Textbook Initiatives

    The Open Textbook Initiative aims to increase student satisfaction by easing the financial burden of textbook costs and increasing student engagement with the curriculum, and to provide access to engaging and up-to-date global open learning resources, in support of new evolving learning experiences and futures.

    View the OER resources currently being adopted through the Open Textbook Initiative and read more about RMIT's textbook heroes.


    RMIT Digital Collections

    This collection includes RMIT-created resources, Open Textbooks and other Open Educational resources not created by RMIT.

    Access to the collections HERE

    Open Textbook Collections

    Benefits of Open Textbooks

    How to Search OER Commons



  • Các Nghiên cứu Tình huống mở

  • Tài nguyên Videos & Hình ảnh mở

    Open digital collections from galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs)

    Many heritage collections have joined the Open GLAM movement and have made their digital image collections open access under Creative Commons licences, or have released downloadable high resolution images of out-of-copyright materials. These OpenGLAM digital collections include historic photographs, maps, artworks and images from books.

    Check individual websites for digital collections and look for Terms of Use or Creative Commons Licences to see whether you can use them freely for teaching or study.

    Some collections include:

    Share, remix, and reuse images of more than 30,000 public-domain artworks from the Cleveland Museum of Art collection.

    Explore more than 406,000 hi-res images of public-domain works from the The Met collection, all of which can be downloaded, shared, and remixed without restriction.

    You can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images.

    170,000 historical images, including photographs, maps architectural drawings. All are out of copyright and free to use.

    OER Images

    Most of the websites listed on this page provide Creative Commons licensed images that you can copy and re-use without permission. Other websites offer either public domain images (their copyright has expired), or materials that the creators have released into the public domain for people to freely use. 

    search.creativecommons.org offers convenient access to search services provided by other independent organisations.

    A search engine for free photos which come from many sources. You can view the attribution license to determine under what conditions each photo can be used.

    Millions of photographs uploaded by users. To search for reusable images, in ”Advanced Search”, choose from the pull-down menu the type of license needed (e.g. 'all creative commons' or 'modifications allowed' etc.).

    Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects.

    Over 25,000 CC0-Licensed photos that have been scanned and indexed from top stock sites.

    Illustrations from old books in the public domain.

    Provides 1,000s of free stock photos, vector graphics and illustrations. All images and videos are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

    All photos published on Unsplash are licensed under Creative Commons 0, which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes.

    OER Videos

    Khad Academy is a nonprofit providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Use the search box at the top of the screen for your topic to find a large range of videos and other resources.

    The majority of TED Content is licensed under Creative Commons which means that certain TED content may be used for personal and/or educational purposes. TEDTalks Usage policy is Attribution - Non - Commercial - No derivatives (CC BY - NC - ND 4.0 International) - non commercial use.

    To find a video that uses a creative commons licence, do a search by keyword. Then select 'filter' and 'Creative Commons'. Within the video select 'Show more' and find the Creative Commons Licence. Please see below.

  • Truy cập các nguồn Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở

    • BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. (https://www.base-search.net)

    • CORE is the world's largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. We serve the global network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open access content. We provide solutions for content management, discovery and scalable machine access to research. Our services support a wide range of stakeholders, specifically researchers, the general public, academic institutions, developers, funders and companies from a diverse range of sectors including but not limited to innovators, AI technology companies, digital library solutions and pharma. (https://core.ac.uk)

    • DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available. (https://www.doabooks.org)

    • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open access journals. Today, this independent index contains almost 17.500 peer-reviewed, open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Open access journals from all countries and in all languages are accepted for indexing. (https://doaj.org)

    • The Digital Commons Network provides free access to full-text scholarly articles and other research from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, this dynamic research tool includes peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work. (https://network.bepress.com)

    • The Electronic Journals Library is a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online. It comprises 110101 titles from all areas of research, 26283 of which are available online only. In addition, 138714 journals, which are provided by aggregators, are listed. The EZB contains 73936 journals which are accessible free of charge to anyone. Furthermore, the participating libraries provide their users access to the journals they subscribe to. The journals are presented in lists sorted by research area. An updated list is generated by the database according to the member library's specifications each time it is accessed. (http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de)

    • The aim of FreeFullPDF.com is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific journals, theses, posters and patents. All scientific subjects are covered and all content are freely available in PDF format. FreeFullPDF.com was developped by KnowMade SARL. KnowMade is a Technology Intelligence company specialized in the research and analysis of scientific and technical information. We provide customized watching services and on demand studies with high added value to businesses and research laboratories. (http://www.freefullpdf.com)

    • The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF's periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more.

    • IMF has reorganized the page to make our content easier to find. You can download all data from the World Economic Outlook (WEO), International Financial Statistics (IFS), Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), Fiscal Monitor (FM), Regional Outlooks (RO) etc. from hundreds of countries around the world, and compare between the old and new pages. You can still access the old page throughout the month of April here. (https://data.imf.org)

    • INASP is an international development organization with 30 years' experience of working with a global network of partners in Africa, Latin America and Asia. As it remits evolved, access to information became part of a wider vision of helping research and evidence from the South make a greater contribution to solving local and global development challenges. Its work expanded to supporting Southern journals to improve the visibility of Southern research, working with policymakers to use evidence, and with researchers to produce and publish impactful research. (https://www.inasp.info)

    The Journal Online platforms:

    • African Journals Online: The Journals Online project began with AJOL in 1998. AJOL currently operates as an African non-profit organization. www.ajol.info
    • Philippines Journals Online: PhilJOL was established in association with Ateneo de Manila University and De La Salle University. In 2010 the management was transferred to the Philippines at the Asia Pacific College. www.philjol.info
    • Vietnam Journals Online: VJOL was established in association with the National Agency for Science and Technology Information (NASATI), the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), and Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology (VAST). It is now managed in Vietnam by NASATI. www.vjol.info.vn
    • Bangladesh Journals Online: BanglaJOL was established in association with the Editing and Publication Association of Bangladesh (EPAB) and the Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS). www.banglajol.info
    • Central America Journals Online: The Central America Journals Online (CAMJOL), which was originally called the Latin American Journals Online, hosts journals from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras and is primarily in Spanish, but also features some English abstracts and tables of contents. CAMJOL was launched in 2010. www.camjol.info
    • Mongolia Journals Online: Mongolia Journals Online (MongoliaJOL) was established in association with the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. MongoliaJOL was launched in 2011. www.mongoliajol.info
    • Nepal Journals Online: Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) was established in association with Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL). NepJOL was launched in 2008. www.nepjol.info
    • Sri Lanka Journals Online: Sri Lanka Journals Online (SLJOL) was established in association with the University of Colombo and the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. SLJOL was launched in 2008. www.sljol.info

    • The International Trade Centre has developed a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and to facilitate access to markets. These tools enable business actors to identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performance and make well-informed trade decisions. The Market Analysis Tools suite covers the world's largest databases on trade statistics, tariff data, and rules of origin related to applicable free trade agreements. Additional tools offer export potential estimations, market price information, regional trade and investment data and much more.
    • Account for access ICT Tools: Please register from the Market Analysis Tools Portal to have your own account or use the library shared account sent to your emails to access the following ICT Market Tools:
    1. Trade Maphttps://www.trademap.org, (trade statistics) to use indicators on export performance, to see international demand as well as exporting companies’ details, to identify alternative markets.
    2. Market Access Maphttps://www.macmap.org, (tariffs) for analysing market access conditions worldwide, including applied and bound tariff rates, trade agreements and non-tariff measures.
    3. Export Potential Maphttps://exportpotential.intracen.org, based on ITC trade potential and diversification assessment methodology, to see products, markets and suppliers with untapped trade potential.
    4. Market Price Informationhttps://mpi.intracen.org, is an online tool to track most recent market price information from multiple sources and geographic areas. It provides daily or weekly prices and market news for more than 300 agricultural products.
    5. Investment Maphttps://www.investmentmap.org, to see the sector breakdown of foreign direct investment and foreign affiliates’ information to support investment attraction strategies.
    6. Sustainability Maphttps://www.sustainabilitymap.org, to analyse and compare voluntary standards promoting sustainable development applied to the production and trade of goods and services.
    7. Procurement Maphttps://procurementmap.intracen.org, to see detailed information over 150 000 public tenders. This tool offers a route to foster entrepreneurship and to seek new market opportunities.
    8. Rules of Origin Facilitatorhttps://findrulesoforigin.org, to see in a single gateway: trade agreements, duty rates, preferential and non-preferential rules of origin, origin certificates and customs procedures.

    • Knowledge Unlatched (KU) makes scholarly content freely available to everyone and contributes to the further development of the Open Access (OA) infrustructure. Our online maketplace provides libraries and institutions worldwide with a central place to support OA collections and models from leading publishing houses and new OA initiatives. (https://knowledgeunlatched.org)

    • Since 2001, MIT OpenCourseWare has been creating new opportunities for millions of learners and educators, sharing Open Educational Resources (OER) from MIT and helping to lead a global revolution in free access to knowledge. MIT OCW is a free and open collection of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum. (https://ocw.mit.edu)

    • OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication. We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books and provide services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation. (https://www.oapen.org)

    • A freely accessible site for searching only OAIster records is available. Additionally, OAIster records are fully accessible through WorldCat.org, and appear as WorldCat.org search results along with records from thousands of libraries worldwide. The OAIster database is searchable on the OCLC FirstSearch service, providing another valuable access point for this rich database and a complement to other FirstSearch databases. (https://oaister.on.worldcat.org)

    • At Open Book Publishers we are changing the nature of the traditional academic book. Our books are published in hardback, paperback and ebook editions, but we also publish free online editions of every title in PDF, HTML and XML formats that can be read via our website, downloaded, reused or embedded anywhere. We are proud to say that our books are currently being accessed freely worldwide by over 20,000 readers each month. (https://www.openbookpublishers.com)

    • Open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost. Now offering 1010 open textbooks, the Open Textbook Library is supported by the Open Education Network

    • Paperity is the first multi-disciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers, "gold" and "hybrid". It: gives readers easy and unconstrained access to thousands of journals from hundreds of disciplines, in one central location; helps authors reach their target audience, disseminate discoveries more effectively and maximize research impact; raises exposure of journals, boosts their readership and encourages new manuscript submissions.
    • Paperity is the way towards more efficient scholarly communication in all research fields, from Sciences, Technology, Medicine, to Social Sciences, to Humanities and Arts. Our ultimate goal is to aggregate 100% of Open Access literature, published in any place around the world, in any field of research. For latest news, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Download Paperity Reader for iOS or Android to access papers on a mobile. (https://paperity.org)

    • PLOS is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher empowering researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. We've been breaking boundaries since 2001. We propelled the movement for OA alternatives to subscription journals. We established the first multi-disciplinary publication inclusive of all research regardless of novelty or impact. And we demonstrated the importance of open data availability. (https://plos.org)

    • ROAD is the acronym for Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources. This is a free service provided by the ISSN International Centre. ROAD was launched as an independent website in December 2013 by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO. ROAD is now integrated into the ISSN portal. provides a free access to a subset of ISSN bibliographic records. These records describe the scholarly resources in open access that have been identified by the ISSN Network. ROAD is in line with the actions of UNESCO for promoting Open Access to scientific resources. ROAD is complementary to the Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) developed by UNESCO and providing a snapshot of the status of Open Access to scientific information around the world. (https://portal.issn.org)

    • For over a decade we have played an active role in Open Access, seeking to build bridges to knowledge in the research community. From our extensive author service to our flexible OA publishing routes, SAGE is here to empower you as researchers, librarians and readers. In an ever-changing landscape, we are here to respond to library needs with our innovative Open Access Agreements. In line with structural equity, we strive to offer sustainable open research, which is accessible to all. (https://us.sagepub.com)

    • Elsevier, a global leader in information and analytics, helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. Growing from our roots in publishing, we have supported the work of our research and health partners for more than 140 years. Elsevier offers knowledge and valuable analytics that help our users make breakthroughs and drive societal progress. We employ 8,700 people, including 1,906 technologists around the world. We believe in open science and open access to knowledge. We've created a wide-ranging portfolio of open access publishing options for authors and researchers across all subject areas. Nearly all our journals already offer immediate open access options, and we are committed to finding a sustainable path so we can extend this to all our titles. (https://www.elsevier.com)

    • SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer's portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science. In August 2012, due to the growing demand for open access and the success of our SpringerOpen journals, we expanded our offering to open access books. Published under the SpringerOpen brand they complement our established open access journal portfolio. (https://www.springeropen.com)

    • The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank's official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. The Open Access Policy and the OKR represent the third major development in the World Bank's Open Development Agenda, joining these earlier initiatives: 1) Open Data Initiative (launched in April 2010): a range of reforms enabling free access to thousands of development indicators, as well as a wealth of information on World Bank project and finance, and 2) Access to Information Policy (launched in July 2010): a groundbreaking change in how the World Bank makes information available to the public. (https://openknowledge.worldbank.org)

    • WorldWideScience.org (WWS) is a global science gateway comprised of national and international scientific databases and portals. WWS accelerates scientific discovery and progress by providing one-stop searching of databases from around the world (Architecture: What is under the Hood). Multilingual WorldWideScience.org provides real-time searching and translation of globally-dispersed multilingual scientific literature. (https://worldwidescience.org)



  • Tài nguyên Giáo dục mở theo chủ đề

    Subject Shortcuts

    General Textbooks

    Cover Art

    Introduction to Business by Lawrence J. Gitman; Carl McDaniel; Amit Shah; Monique Reece; Linda Koffel; Bethann Talsma; James C. Hyatt

    It covers the scope and sequence of most introductory business courses. The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change. Introduction to Business includes hundreds of current business examples from a range of industries and geographic locations, which feature a variety of individuals. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of business concepts, with attention to the knowledge and skills necessary for student success in this course and beyond.

    • ISBN: 9781947172548
    • Publication Date: 2018-09-19

    Cover Art

    Business Ethics by Stephen M. Byars; Kurt Stanberry

    Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.

    • ISBN: 9781947172562
    • Publication Date: 2018-09-24

    Cover Art

    Introductory Business Statistics by Alexander Holmes; Barbara Illowsky; Susan Dean

    Introductory Business Statistics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the one-semester statistics course for business, economics, and related majors. Core statistical concepts and skills have been augmented with practical business examples, scenarios, and exercises. The result is a meaningful understanding of the discipline, which will serve students in their business careers and real-world experiences.

    • ISBN: 9781947172463
    • Publication Date: 2017-11-30

    Entrepreneurship by Michael Laverty; Chris Littel

    This textbook is intended for use in introductory Entrepreneurship classes at the undergraduate level. Due to the wide range of audiences and course approaches, the book is designed to be as flexible as possible. Theoretical and practical aspects are presented in a balanced manner, and specific components such as the business plan are provided in multiple formats. Entrepreneurship aims to drive students toward active participation in entrepreneurial roles, and exposes them to a wide range of companies and scenarios.

    • ISBN: 9781947172692
    • Publication Date: 2019-06-01

    Organizational Behavior by Stewart Black; Donald G. Gardner; Jon L. Pierce; Richard Steers

    This OpenStax resource aligns to introductory courses in Organizational Behavior. The text presents the theory, concepts, and applications with particular emphasis on the impact that individuals and groups can have on organizational performance and culture. An array of recurring features engages students in entrepreneurial thinking, managing change, using tools/technology, and responsible management.

    • ISBN: 9781947172715
    • Publication Date: 2019-05-31

    The Sustainable Business Case Book

    • ISBN: 9781453346778


    Eberly College of Business and Information Technology


    Principles of Accounting, Volume 1 by Mitchell Franklin; Patty Graybeal; Dixon Cooper

    Principles of Accounting - Vol.1 is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a two-semester accounting course that covers the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in two volumes. This book is specifically designed to appeal to both accounting and non-accounting majors, exposing students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Each chapter opens with a relatable real-life scenario for today's college student. Thoughtfully designed examples are presented throughout each chapter, allowing students to build on emerging accounting knowledge. Concepts are further reinforced through applicable connections to more detailed business processes. Students are immersed in the "why" as well as the "how" aspects of accounting in order to reinforce concepts and promote comprehension over rote memorization.

    • ISBN: 9781947172685
    • Publication Date: 2019-04-11 

    Cover Art

    Principles of Accounting, Volume 2 by Mitchell Franklin; Patty Graybeal; Dixon Cooper

    Principles of Accounting - Vol. 2 is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a two-semester accounting course that covers the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in two volumes. This book is specifically designed to appeal to both accounting and non-accounting majors, exposing students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Each chapter opens with a relatable real-life scenario for today's college student. Thoughtfully designed examples are presented throughout each chapter, allowing students to build on emerging accounting knowledge. Concepts are further reinforced through applicable connections to more detailed business processes. Students are immersed in the "why" as well as the "how" aspects of accounting in order to reinforce concepts and promote comprehension over rote memorization.

    • ISBN: 9781947172609
    • Publication Date: 2019-02-14
    Finance and Legal Studies

    Cover Art

    Business Law I Essentials by Mirande Valbrune, Esq., et. al

    Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions.

    Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment

    Legal Aspects of Corporate Management and Finance

    The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business by Terence Lau; Lisa Johnson

    Business Law and the Legal Environment

    Introduction to Contracts, Sales and Product Liability

    International Finance by Steve Suranovic

    Financial Strategy for Public Managers


    Information Systems and Decision Sciences

    Business Information Systems: Design an App for That

    Information Systems by University of Minnesota Libraries (Adapted by)

    • ISBN: 9781946135124
    • Publication Date: 2015-10-27

    Essentials of Geographic Information Systems

    Information Systems for Business and Beyond


    Cover Art

    Principles of Management by David Bright; K. Praveen Parboteeah; Jon L. Pierce; Monique Reece; Amit Shah; Siri Terjesen; Joseph Weiss; Margaret A. White; Anastasia H. Cortes; Donald G. Gardner; Eva Hartmann; Jason Lambert; Laura M. Leduc; Joy Leopold; Jeffrey Muldoon; James S. O'Rourke 

    • Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning, organizing, and controlling approach. Management is a broad business discipline, and the Principles of Management course covers many management areas such as human resource management and strategic management, as well as behavioral areas such as motivation. No one individual can be an expert in all areas of management, so an additional benefit of this text is that specialists in a variety of areas have authored individual chapters.
    • ISBN: 9780998625768
    • Publication Date: 2019-03-01

    Organizational Behavior

    Management Communication

    Project Management

    Small Business Management in the 21st Century

    Human Resource Management by University of Minnesota Libraries (Adapted by)

    • ISBN: 9781946135117
    • Publication Date: 2016-03-22

    Mastering Strategic Management by University of Minnesota Libraries (Adapted by)

    • ISBN: 9781946135148
    • Publication Date: 2016-03-22

    Project Management from Simple to Complex by University of Minnesota Libraries (Adapted by)

    • ISBN: 9781946135216
    • Publication Date: 2016-12-23


    Introducing Marketing by Professor John Burnett

    • Through good economic times and bad, marketing remains the pivotal function in any business. Determining and satisfying the needs of customers through products that have value and accessibility and whose features are clearly communicated is the general purpose of any business. It is also a fundamental definition of marketing. This text introduces students to the marketing strategies and tools that practitioners use to market their products.
    • Publication Date: 2011

    Principles of Marketing by University of Minnesota Libraries (Adapted by)

    • Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing – not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today's environment: Service dominant logic, Sustainability, Ethics and social responsibility, Global coverage, and Metrics.
    • ISBN: 9781946135193
    • Publication Date: 2015-10-27

    Legal Aspects of Marketing and Sales by Don Mayer, University of Denver; Daniel Warner, Western Washington University; George J. Siedel, University of Michigan; Jethro K. Lieberman, New York Law School 

    • Legal Aspects of Marketing and Sales is an up-to-date textbook that covers legal issues that students who will work in marketing or with marketing managers must understand. The text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with their clear, concise and readable style.
    • Publication Date: 2012

    eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World - 6th Edition by Rob Stokes, Quirk eMarketing 

    • The newly updated edition - based on Quirk's unique Think, Create, Engage, Optimise structure and processes - includes chapters on the latest marketing trends as well as updated facts and figures and all new real-world case studies showing the application of digital best practice.
    • ISBN: 9780620565158
    • Publication Date: 2013


    College of Education and Communications

    Adult and Community Education

    Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning - 2nd Edition by A.W. (Tony) Bates, University of British Columbia

    Communication Disorders, Special Education, and Disability Services

    Comprehensive Individualized Curriculum and Instructional Design: Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorders by Samuel Sennott, Portland State University and Sheldon Loman, Portland State University 

    • This open textbook addresses the population of individuals with disabilities that experience complex lifelong needs across multiple areas in their lives. Drs. Sennott and Loman drafted this book (along with the help from some friends) with the hope of providing pertinent, practical, and current resources to future special educators who plan to serve individuals with complex disabilities.
    • ISBN: 9781312886872
    • Publication Date: 2015

    Communications Media

    Be Credible by Peter Bobkowski, Karna Younger


    Trauma-Informed School Practices: Building Expertise To Transform Schools

    Developmental Studies

    Educational and School Psychology

    Professional Studies in Education

    Student Affairs in Higher Education

    Teacher Education

    College of Fine Arts

    Art and Design

    Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning by Pamela Sachant, University of North Georgia and Peggy Blood, Savannah State University

    • Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning offers a comprehensive introduction to the world of Art. Authored by four USG faculty members with advance degrees in the arts, this textbooks offers up-to-date original scholarship. It includes over 400 high-quality images illustrating the history of art, its technical applications, and its many uses.
    • Publication Date: 2016

    Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals

    • This textbook written by a group of select experts with a focus on different aspects of the design process, from creation to production _ addresses the many steps of creating and then producing physical, printed, or other imaged products that people interact with on a daily basis. It covers the concept that, while most modern graphic design is created on computers using design software, the ideas and concepts don't stay on the computer. The ideas need to be completed in the computer software, then progress to an imaging (traditionally referred to as printing) process. Keywords are highlighted throughout and summarized in a Glossary at the end of the book, and each chapter includes exercises and suggested readings.
    • Publication Date: 2015



    Music Fundamentals 1: Pitch and Major Scales and Keys by Terry B. Ewell and Catherine Schmidt-Jones

    • Publication Date: 2013

    Music Fundamentals 2: Rhythm and Meter by Terry B. Ewell and Catherine Schmidt-Jones 

    • Publication Date: 2013

    Sound Reasoning by Anthony Brandt and Robert McClure

    • Sound Reasoning is a web-based, introductory music appreciation course. It offers a new approach to music appreciation for adults, focusing on style-independent concepts. While the course concentrates primarily on Western classical and modern music, the concepts that are introduced apply to music of any style or era. The goal of “Sound Reasoning” is to equip you with questions that you may ask of any piece of music, thereby creating a richer and more comprehensive understanding of music both familiar and unfamiliar.
    • Publication Date: 2011

    Music: Its Language, History, and Culture by Douglas Cohen, CUNY Brooklyn College

    Cover Art

    Understanding Music by N. Alan Clark; Thomas Heflin; Jeffrey Kluball; Elizabeth Kramer

    • The benefits of music in our lives are increasingly acknowledged by researchers and scientist. As human beings, we have taken the existence of music for granted and rarely think critically about music and its purpose. Perhaps for this reason, such critical thinking about music is sometimes perceived as difficult. Understanding Music: Past and Present creates a roadmap from some of the earliest known origins of music to modern day. This linear approach allows the reader to trace the history and evolution of music through the ages. Understanding Music: Past and Present is designed to grow the reader's appreciation of music through improved understanding and listening skills, allowing the reader to develop his or her own informed opinions and express them. Sponsored by eCore: eCore is a collaborative program that supports online core courses for students from twenty-five University System of Georgia colleges and universities. In an effort to decrease out-of-pocket costs for students in higher education, eCore Curriculum & Instruction has made great strides over the last few years to design, develop, and adopt Open Educational Resources into the curriculum offerings. eCore partners with the University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia to provide no-cost and low-cost textbooks and materials to its students. OERs are currently available in most of eCore's twenty-six course offerings, with a goal to implement OERs into 100% of the course offerings.
    • ISBN: 9781940771335
    • Publication Date: 2016-01-01 

    Understanding Basic Music Theory 

    Cover Art

    • Although it is significantly expanded from "Introduction to Music Theory", this book still covers only the bare essentials of music theory. Music is a very large subject, and the advanced theory that students will want to pursue after mastering the basics will vary greatly. A trumpet player interested in jazz, a vocalist interested in early music, a pianist interested in classical composition, and a guitarist interested in world music, will all want to delve into very different facets of music theory; although, interestingly, if they all become very well-versed in their chosen fields, they will still end up very capable of understanding each other and cooperating in musical endeavors. The final section does include a few challenges that are generally not considered "beginner level" musicianship, but are very useful in just about every field and genre of music.
    • Publication Date: 2013

    Music and the Child by Natalie Sarrazin

    • Children are inherently musical. They respond to music and learn through music. Music expresses children's identity and heritage, teaches them to belong to a culture, and develops their cognitive well-being and inner self worth. As professional instructors, childcare workers, or students looking forward to a career working with children, we should continuously search for ways to tap into children's natural reservoir of enthusiasm for singing, moving and experimenting with instruments. But how, you might ask? What music is appropriate for the children I'm working with? How can music help inspire a well-rounded child? How do I reach and teach children musically? Most importantly perhaps, how can I incorporate music into a curriculum that marginalizes the arts?This book explores a holistic, artistic, and integrated approach to understanding the developmental connections between music and children. This book guides professionals to work through music, harnessing the processes that underlie music learning, and outlining developmentally appropriate methods to understand the role of music in children's lives through play, games, creativity, and movement. Additionally, the book explores ways of applying music-making to benefit the whole child, i.e., socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, and linguistically.
    • ISBN: 9781942341208
    • Publication Date: 2016-06-15 


    Theatre, Dance, and Performance

    Cover Art

    An Introduction to Technical Theatre by Tal Sanders (Illustrator)

    • This text is intended to be a learning resource for classes at both high school and college program levels. It is written in a modular format to help others, like myself, who regularly rearrange their syllabus around productions and space scheduling. Highlighted terms throughout the text indicate important theatrical terminology and are included in the glossary. As the text is modular, some terms may be highlighted in several sections upon first use therein. Boxed information under "There's more to know" or "Consider this" headers provides further information and ideas that relate to the text.
    • ISBN: 9781945398872
    • Publication Date: 2018-09-01

    Cover Art

    Theatrical Worlds by Charlie Mitchell (Editor)

    • Draw back the curtain on the world of theatre and learn how the magic of a great stage performance is created. Designed for theatre appreciation students and written in an engaging style, this book is an ideal introduction to all aspects of theatre. Learn about the variety of ways professional actors approach their roles. Meet the people you won't see during a performance but who are essential in bringing a production to life: writers, directors, set designers, tailors, carpenters, electricians, stagehands, light and sound technicians, riggers, ushers, supervisors, and stage managers. From casting to run-throughs to wardrobe, this book includes interviews with those involved in the creation process from beginning to end. Eye-opening details about acting techniques, directing, and production design may inspire you to audition or work behind the scenes yourself. Special topics, including Shakespeare, the American musical, and world theatre, provide examinations into unique genres, and an overview of the fascinating history of theatre provides the necessary background to understand and enjoy live performances. The expert contributors to Theatrical Worlds reveal unexpected connections between the stage and such diverse fields as languages and literature, psychology, music, science, law, journalism, and business. After reading this book you'll gain a deeper awareness of the many layers of artistry behind the wonders of theatre.
    • ISBN: 9781616101664
    • Publication Date: 2014-06-01


    College of Health and Human Services

    Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Culinary Arts

    Employment and Labor Relations

    Food and Nutrition

    Hospitality Management

    Human Development, Fashion, and Interior Design

    Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science

    Nursing and Allied Health Professions

    Cover Art

    Nursing Care at the End of Life by Susan E. Lowey

    • Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know addresses an essential component of the basic educational preparation for the professional registered nurse student. Recent studies show that only one in four nurses feel confident in caring for dying patients and their families and less than 2% of overall content in nursing textbooks are related to end-of-life care. Despite the tremendous growth in palliative and end-of-life care programs across the country, very few nursing education programs provide adequate education on this topic for future nurses. The purpose of this textbook is to provide an indepth look at death and dying in this country and explore the vital role of the nurse in assisting patients and families along the journey towards the end of life. There is an emphasis throughout the book on the simple, yet understated value of effective interpersonal communication between the patient and clinician. The text provides a basic foundation for understanding death and dying, including a brief historical examination of some main conceptual models associated with how patients cope with impending loss. An overview of illness trajectories and models of care, such as hospice and palliative care, are discussed. Lastly, the latest evidence based approaches for pain and symptom management, ethical concerns, cultural considerations, care at the time of death, and bereavement are examined. The goal of this text is to foster the necessary skills for nurses to provide compassionate care to individuals who are nearing the end of life and families who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. Every chapter contains a "What You Should Know" section which highlights and reinforces the main message nurses should know when caring for their patient.
    • ISBN: 9781942341192
    • Publication Date: 2015-12-14 

    Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students by Linda Frederiksen, Washington State University Vancouver and Sue F. Phelps, Washington State University Vancouver 

    • Publication Date: 2017

    Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Glynda Rees Doyle, British Columbia Institute of Technology and Jodie McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology 

    Creative Clinical Teaching In The Health Professions by Sherri Melrose, Athabasca University, and Caroline Park, Athabasca University, and Beth Perry, Athabasca University

    • This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies' that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.
    • Publication Date: 2015 


    Safety Sciences

    College of Humanities and Social Sciences


    Cover Art

    Perspectives by Nina Brown (Editor); Laura Tubelle de Gonzalez (Editor); Thomas McIlwraith (Editor)

    • ISBN: 9781931303552
    • Publication Date: 2018-04-13

    Cover Art

    The Art of Being Human by Michael Wesch

    • Anthropology is the study of all humans in all times in all places. But it is so much more than that. "Anthropology requires strength, valor, and courage," Nancy Scheper-Hughes noted. "Pierre Bourdieu called anthropology a combat sport, an extreme sport as well as a tough and rigorous discipline. ¿ It teaches students not to be afraid of getting one's hands dirty, to get down in the dirt, and to commit yourself, body and mind. Susan Sontag called anthropology a...
    • ISBN: 9781944548131
    • Publication Date: 2018-08-30

    Cover Art

    The History of Our Tribe by Barbara Welker; Keenan Taylor (Illustrator)

    • ISBN: 9781942341406
    • Publication Date: 2017-06-13

    Cover Art

    Native Peoples of North America by Susa Stebbins

    • Native Peoples of North America is intended to be an introductory text about the Native peoples of North America (primarily the United States and Canada) presented from an anthropological perspective. As such, the text is organized around anthropological concepts such as language, kinship, marriage and family life, political and economic organization, food getting, spiritual and religious practices, and the arts. Prehistoric, historic and contemporary information is presented. Each chapter...
    • ISBN: 9781942341024
    • Publication Date: 2013-10-23

    Introduction to Human Osteology

    Global Perspectives on Gender


    Asian Studies

    Asian Century… on a Knife-edge: A 360 Degree Analysis of Asia's Recent Economic Development

    Introduction to South and East Asian Philosopher Reader: An Open Educational Resource

    Cover Art

    Interpreting Love Narratives in East Asian Literature and Film by John R. Wallace

    • This book explores the role of traditional East Asian worldviews, ethical values, and common practices in the shaping of East Asian narratives in literature and film. It offers a specific method for this analysis. The interpretive goal is to arrive at interpretations that more accurately engage cultural information so that narratives are understood more closely in terms of their native cultural rather than that of the reader/interpreter. Current neuroscience related to processes of perception...
    • ISBN: 9780999797006
    • Publication Date: 2019-06-16

    Korean Through Folktales

    Compact Anthology of World Literature

    • ISBN: 9781940771229


    Cover Art

    Principles of Economics 2e by Steven A. Greenlaw; David Shapiro

    • Principles of Economics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory economics courses. The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to increase clarity, update data and current event impacts, and incorporate the feedback from many reviewers and adopters.
    • ISBN: 9781947172364
    • Publication Date: 2017-10-11

    Cover Art

    Principles of Macroeconomics 2e by Steven A. Greenlaw; David Shapiro

    • Principles of Macroeconomics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory economics courses. The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to increase clarity, update data and current event impacts, and incorporate the feedback from many reviewers and adopters.
    • ISBN: 9781947172388
    • Publication Date: 2017-10-11 

    Cover Art

    Principles of Microeconomics 2e by Steven A. Greenlaw; David Shapiro

    • Principles of Microeconomics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory microeconomics courses. The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to increase clarity, update data and current event impacts, and incorporate the feedback from many reviewers and adopters.
    • ISBN: 9781947172340
    • Publication Date: 2017-09-15 

    Cover Art

    The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets by Andrew Barkley

    • The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets 2e is written for applied intermediate microeconomics courses. The book showcases the power of economic principles to explain and predict issues and current events in the food, agricultural, agribusiness, international trade, labor markets, and natural resource sectors. The field of agricultural economics is relevant, important and interesting. The study of market structures, also called industrial organization, provides powerful,...
    • ISBN: 9781944548223
    • Publication Date: 2019-07-31 



    Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 3 by Dana Driscoll, Mary Stewart, and Matt Vetter, Writing Spaces Editors

    English Composition by Ann Inoshita (Editor); Karyl Garland (Editor); Kate Sims (Editor); Jeanne Tsutsui Keuma (Editor); Tasha Williams (Editor)

    • This OER textbook has been designed for students to learn the foundational concepts for English 100 (first-year college composition). The content aligns to learning outcomes across all campuses in the UH system. It was designed, written, and edited during a three day book sprint in May, 2019.
    • ISBN: 9781948027076
    • Publication Date: 2019-05-31 

    Let's Get Writing!

    • This introduction is designed to exemplify how writers think about and produce text. The guiding features are the following: Every good piece of writing is an argument. Everything worth writing and reading begins with a specific question. Improving skills takes practice, feedback, and re-thinking, redoing, revising.
    • Publication Date: 2018  

    Cover Art

    Writing and Literature: Composition as Inquiry, Learning, Thinking, and Communication by Tanya Bennett

    • ISBN: 9781940771236
    • Publication Date: 2017-01-07 

    EmpoWord: A Student-Centered Anthology & Handbook for College Writers by Shane Abrams, Portland State University

    • EmpoWord is a reader and rhetoric that champions the possibilities of student writing. The textbook uses actual student writing to exemplify effective writing strategies, celebrating dedicated college writing students to encourage and instruct their successors: the students in your class. Through both creative and traditional activities, readers are encouraged to explore a variety of rhetorical situations to become more critical agents of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in all facets of their lives. Straightforward and readable instruction sections introduce key vocabulary, concepts, and strategies. Three culminating assignments (Descriptive Personal Narrative; Text-Wrestling Analysis; Persuasive Research Essay) give students a chance to show their learning while also practicing rhetorical awareness techniques for future writing situations.
    • Publication Date: 2018 

    You, Writing! A Guide to College Composition by Alexandra Glynn, North Hennepin Community College; Kelli Hallsten-Erickson, Lake Superior College; Amy Jo Swing, Lake Superior College

    • Publication Date: 2018 

    Prose Fiction: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Narrative by Ignasi Ribó

    • This concise and highly accessible textbook outlines the principles and techniques of storytelling. It is intended as a high-school and college-level introduction to the central concepts of narrative theory – concepts that will aid students in developing their competence not only in analysing and interpreting short stories and novels, but also in writing them.
    • ISBN: 9781783748112
    • Publication Date: 2020 


    Foreign Languages

    Geography and Regional Planning


    Cover Art

    U. S. History by P. Scott Corbett; Volker Janssen; John M. Lund; Todd Pfannestiel; Pau Vickery

    • U.S. History is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of most introductory courses. The text provides a balanced approach to U.S. history, considering the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the United States from both the top down (politics, economics, diplomacy) and bottom up (eyewitness accounts, lived experience). U.S. History covers key forces that form the American experience, with particular attention to issues of race, class, and gender.
    • ISBN: 9781938168369
    • Publication Date: 2014-12-03


    Journalism and Public Relations

    Latin American Studies

    Pan-African Studies


    Cover ArtIntroduction to Philosophy: Ethics by George Matthews and Christina Hendricks

    • We often make judgments about good and bad, right and wrong. Philosophical ethics is the critical examination of these and other concepts central to how we evaluate our own and each others’ behavior and choices.
    • Publication Date: 2019 

    Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind by Multiple Contributors

    An Introduction to Philosophy by Russ W. Payne 

    Cover Art

    A Concise Introduction to Logic by Craig DeLancey

    • A Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history; the author uses examples from important and celebrated arguments in philosophy to illustrate logical principles. The text also includes a basic introduction to findings of advanced logic. As indicators of where the student could go next with logic, the book closes with an overview of advanced topics, such as the axiomatic method, set theory, Peano arithmetic, and modal logic. Throughout, the text uses brief, concise chapters that readers will find easy to read and to review.
    • ISBN: 9781942341420
    • Publication Date: 2017-03-27

    Political Science

    American Government 2e by Glen Krutz; Sylvie Waskiewicz

    • American Government 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American Government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American Government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.
    • ISBN: 9781947172661
    • Publication Date: 2019-02-21

    Religious Studies


    Cover Art

    Introduction to Sociology 2e by Jeff Bry; Faye Jones; Heather Griffiths; Nathan Keirns; Eric Strayer; Susan Cody-Rydzewski; Gail Scaramuzzo; Tommy Sadler; Sally Vyain

    • Introduction to Sociology 2e adheres to the scope and sequence of a typical, one-semester introductory sociology course. It offers comprehensive coverage of core concepts, foundational scholars, and emerging theories. The textbook presents section reviews with rich questions, discussions that help students apply their knowledge, and features that draw learners into the discipline in meaningful ways. The second edition has been updated significantly to reflect the latest research and current, relevant examples.
    • ISBN: 9781938168413
    • Publication Date: 2015-03-17


    John J. and Char Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics


    Cover Art

    Anatomy and Physiology by J. Gordon Betts; Kelly A. Young; Peter Desaix; Eddie Johnson; Jody E. Johnson; Oksana Korol; Dean Kruse; Brandon Poe; James A. Wise; Mark Womble

    • Anatomy and Physiology is a dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors. The book is organized by body system and covers standard scope and sequence requirements. Its lucid text, strategically constructed art, career features, and links to external learning tools address the critical teaching and learning challenges in the course. The web-based version of Anatomy and Physiology also features links to surgical videos, histology, and interactive diagrams.
    • ISBN: 9781947172043
    • Publication Date: 2013-04-25 

    Cover Art

    Biology 2e by Mary Ann Clark; Jung Choi; Matthew Douglas

    • Biology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. The book also includes various types of practice and homework questions that help students understand—and apply—key concepts.
    • ISBN: 9781947172517
    • Publication Date: 2018-04-01 

    Cover Art

    Concepts of Biology by Samantha Fowler; Rebecca Roush; James Wise

    • Concepts of Biology is designed for the typical introductory biology course for nonmajors, covering standard scope and sequence requirements. The text includes interesting applications and conveys the major themes of biology, with content that is meaningful and easy to understand. The book is designed to demonstrate biology concepts and to promote scientific literacy.
    • ISBN: 9781938168116
    • Publication Date: 2013-01-01 

    Cover Art

    Microbiology by Nina Parker; Mark Schneegurt; Anh-Hue Thi Tu; Brian M. Forster; Philip Lister

    • This publication presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health. The pedagogical features make the material interesting and accessible while maintaining the career application focus and scientific rigor inherent in the subject matter.
    • ISBN: 9781947172234
    • Publication Date: 2016-11-01 

    Cover Art

    Biology for AP ® Courses by Julianne Zedalis; John Eggebrecht

    • Biology for AP® Courses covers the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester Advanced Placement® biology course. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology for AP® Courses was designed to meet and exceed the requirements of the College Board’s AP® Biology framework while allowing significant flexibility for instructors. Each section of the book includes an introduction based on the AP® curriculum and includes rich features that engage students in scientific practice and AP® test preparation; it also highlights careers and research opportunities in biological sciences.
    • ISBN: 9781947172401
    • Publication Date: 2017-10-16



    Chemistry 2e by Paul Flowers; Klaus Theopold; Richard Langley; Edward J. Neth; William R. Robinson

    • Chemistry 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. The textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of chemistry and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. The book also includes a number of innovative features, including interactive exercises and real-world applications, designed to enhance student learning. The second edition has been revised to incorporate clearer, more current, and more dynamic explanations, while maintaining the same organization as the first edition. Substantial improvements have been made in the figures, illustrations, and example exercises that support the text narrative. Changes made in Chemistry 2e are described in the preface to help instructors transition to the second edition.
    • ISBN: 9781947172616
    • Publication Date: 2019-02-14 
    Chemistry Atoms First 2e by Paul Flowers; Klaus Theopold; Richard Langley; Edward J. Neth; William R. Robinson
    • Chemistry: Atoms First 2e is a peer-reviewed, openly licensed introductory textbook produced through a collaborative publishing partnership between OpenStax and the University of Connecticut and UConn Undergraduate Student Government Association.This text is an atoms-first adaptation of OpenStax Chemistry 2e. The intention of “atoms-first” involves a few basic principles: first, it introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, and it threads these themes through subsequent chapters. This approach may be chosen as a way to delay the introduction of material such as stoichiometry that students traditionally find abstract and difficult, thereby allowing students time to acclimate their study skills to chemistry. Additionally, it gives students a basis for understanding the application of quantitative principles to the chemistry that underlies the entire course. It also aims to center the study of chemistry on the atomic foundation that many will expand upon in a later course covering organic chemistry, easing that transition when the time arrives.
    • ISBN: 9781947172630
    • Publication Date: 2019-02-14 



    Cover Art

    Astronomy by Andrew Fraknoi; David Morrison; Sidney C. Wolff Astronomy

    • Astronomy is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of one- or two-semester introductory astronomy courses. The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, and rich illustrations. Mathematics is included in a flexible manner to meet the needs of individual instructors.
    • ISBN: 9781947172241
    • Publication Date: 2016-11-01


    Mathematical and Computer Sciences

    Cover Art

    Elementary Algebra 2e by Lynn Marecek; MaryAnne Anthony-Smith; Andrea Honeycutt Mathis

    • Elementary Algebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester elementary algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics. The second edition contains detailed updates and accuracy revisions to address comments and suggestions from users. Dozens of faculty experts worked through the text, exercises and problems, graphics, and solutions to identify areas needing improvement. Though the authors made significant changes and enhancements, exercise and problem numbers remain nearly the same in order to ensure a smooth transition for faculty.
    • ISBN: 9781951693206
    • Publication Date: 2020-04-22 

    Cover Art

    Prealgebra 2e by Lynn Marecek; MaryAnne Anthony-Smith; Andrea Mathis

    • Prealgebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester prealgebra or basic math course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics. The second edition contains detailed updates and accuracy revisions to address comments and suggestions from users. Dozens of faculty experts worked through the text, exercises and problems, graphics, and and solutions to identify areas needing improvement. Though the authors made significant changes and enhancements, exercise and problem numbers remain nearly the same in order to ensure a smooth transition for faculty.
    • ISBN: 9780998625799
    • Publication Date: 2020-03-11 

    Cover Art

    Algebra and Trigonometry by Jay Abramson

    • Algebra and Trigonometry provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra and trigonometry course. The modular approach and the richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. Algebra and Trigonometry offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned.
    • ISBN: 9781938168376
    • Publication Date: 2015-02-13 

    Cover Art

    College Algebra by Jay Abramson

    • College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned.
    • ISBN: 9781938168383
    • Publication Date: 2015-02-13 

    Cover Art

    Intermediate Algebra by OpenStax

    • Intermediate Algebra is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The material is presented as a sequence of clear steps, building on concepts presented in prealgebra and elementary algebra courses.
    • ISBN: 9780998625720
    • Publication Date: 2017-03-31 



    Cover Art

    College Physics by Paul Peter Urone; Roger Hinrichs

    • College Physics meets standard scope and sequence requirements for a two-semester introductory algebra-based physics course. The text is grounded in real-world examples to help students grasp fundamental physics concepts. It requires knowledge of algebra and some trigonometry, but not calculus. College Physics includes learning objectives, concept questions, links to labs and simulations, and ample practice opportunities for traditional physics application problems.
    • ISBN: 9781947172012
    • Publication Date: 2012-06-21 

    Cover Art

    University Physics Volume 1 by Samuel J. Ling; Jeff Sanny; William Moebs

    • University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
    • ISBN: 9781947172203
    • Publication Date: 2016-09-19 

    Cover Art

    University Physics Volume 2 by Samuel J. Ling; Jeff Sanny; William Moebs

    • University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
    • ISBN: 9781947172210
    • Publication Date: 2016-11-01 

    Cover Art

    University Physics Volume 3 by Samuel J. Ling; Jeff Sanny; William Moebs

    • University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
    • ISBN: 9781947172227
    • Publication Date: 2016-09-29 

    Cover Art

    College Physics for AP® Courses by Irina Lyublinskaya; Gregg Wolfe; Douglas Ingram; Liza Pujji; Sudhi Oberoi; Nathan Czuba

    • The AP Physics Collection is a free, turnkey solution for your AP® Physics course, brought to you through a collaboration between OpenStax and Rice Online Learning. The integrated collection features the OpenStax College Physics for AP® Courses text, Concept Trailer videos, instructional videos, problem solution videos, and a correlation guide to help you align all of your free content.The College Physics for AP® Courses text is designed to engage students in their exploration of physics and help them apply these concepts to the Advanced Placement® test. This book is Learning List-approved for AP® Physics courses.
    • ISBN: 9781947172173
    • Publication Date: 2015-08-12 


    Preprofessional Programs


    Cover Art

    Psychology 2e by Rose M. Spielman; William J. Jenkins; Marilyn D. Lovett

    • Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.The second edition contains detailed updates to address comments and suggestions from users. Significant improvements and additions were made in the areas of research currency, diversity and representation, and the relevance and recency of the examples. Many concepts were expanded or clarified, particularly through the judicious addition of detail and further explanation where necessary. Finally, the authors addressed the replication issues in the psychology discipline, both in the research chapter and where appropriate throughout the book.
    • ISBN: 9781951693237
    • Publication Date: 2020-04-22 

    The Balance of Personality by Chris Allen, Portland State University

    • This open access textbook was developed as an upper division undergraduate textbook for theories of personality. Its intended audience are students from Portland State University enrolled in Psychology 432 Personality course. The chapters are shorter than some personality textbooks and in this particular course Psy 432 the textbook is combined with other readings including scientific articles on personality. This open access textbook may be of interest to other courses interested in teaching about theory and research on personality.
    • Publication Date: 2020 

    Psychology: The Science of Human Potential by Jeffrey Levy

    • The first chapter provides an overview of the textbook and reviews the history of psychology and its methodology. Psychology is described as a science studying how hereditary (nature) and experiential (nurture) variables interact to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals. The remainder of the text will be organized in sections entitled “Mostly Nature” (Biological Psychology; Sensation & Perception; Motivation & Emotion), “Mostly Nurture” (Direct Learning; Indirect Learning (i.e., observational learning and language); Cognition), and “Nature/Nurture” (Human Development; Personality; Social Psychology; Maladaptive Behavior; Professional Psychology and Human Potential).
    • Publication Date: 2019 

    Introduction to Community Psychology by Leonard A. Jason; Olya Glantsman; Jack F. O'Brien

    • Publication Date: 2019